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Cleaning clothes, laundry, wedding dresses, pillows in just a few clicks. A new approach in caring for your things, we use modern German equipment and products.

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To Participants of Combat Operations and Their Families


Cleaning of clothes and textiles


Simple / complex wedding dress - UAH 2000.00 / 2500.00.

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Bed linen - UAH 65.00.

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Bed linen - UAH 45.00.

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Cleaning and restoration of leather products


Bag / depending on the size - UAH 900.00 / 1200.00

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Cleaning of down-feather products


Tailoring of blankets from the client's fabric - minus 25% of the cost of the service

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Textile dyeing


Jeans - black things - 500 UAH, white things - 700 UAH.

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Discounts and allowances


Children's items (up to 30 sizes) - 30% of the cost

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Алекс Алексеев
Алекс Алексеев
Мені сподобалося, заніс дуже забруднений пуховик, через добу забрав ідеально чистим. І ціни приємні.
Ирина К
Ирина К
Довольна хорошим сервисом химчистки. Качественно почистили белый пуховик. Всем советую данную химчистку.
Danny Levsky
Danny Levsky
Яна Дибчук
Яна Дибчук
виталий демченко
виталий демченко
Користувались послугами даної компанії .швидко якісно плюс хороший сервіс , рекомендував би? так .Якщо ви забруднили свої речі ці дівчата з цим справлятися успіхів вам розвитку
Сергей Петренко
Сергей Петренко
Света Светланова
Света Светланова
Зверталась неодноразово. Працюють профі.
Алиса Блащук
Алиса Блащук
Дмитрий Грянко
Дмитрий Грянко
Хорошее обслуживание, вкусная еда, цены нормальные
Ольга Олександрівна
Ольга Олександрівна


Why, when accepting things, do they write in the receipt "without quality guarantee"?

The industry standard, approved by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, regulates the dry cleaning process, provides for those cases, when the removal of stains is impossible (i.e. when exposed to chemicals, some stains may remain or as a result of chemical treatment the thing may deteriorate). If it is probable, the dry cleaning receiver warns the consumer about this danger and, accordingly, makes an entry in the receipt “without quality assurance”. In 90% of cases with things taken without a guarantee, everything is fine and stains are removed, but you must be warned once again.

My things were ruined at the dry cleaning!

The same industry standard provides for what happens to a thing during the dry cleaning process: its position on damage to things is set out on only one page and it will take a maximum of 5 minutes to get acquainted with these cases, which is worth doing. Things do not deteriorate by dry cleaning or dry cleaning, no one puts stains, they are treated with chemicals, and with the help of machines, where everything is strictly metered, so you can intentionally spoil a thing only if you clean it with a handicraft method. What is the matter, as some say, does it look right? Clothing manufacturers, in pursuit of fashion, often do not follow technological processes and produce low-quality things, in addition, they combine such materials on things, it is almost impossible to process at the same time, for example, leather + fabric – different processing processes for each component. With all these parameters, the manufacturer By the way puts a dry cleaning sign, which is a technological instruction for a chemist who starts working with a thing, while the sign is the same for everything: fabrics, leather, accessories. But this is not correct, because different fabrics and accessories can be processed in completely different ways, hence the final results.

Why does the receipt describe all the damage and stains on things? Why ask what stains on my things?

Damage to things must be described so that when you return them, you are one hundred percent sure that the thing was returned to you not in the worst, but in the best condition. The description of stains has two necessities: first – it is a guide for processing certain parts of your thing, removing dirtier places, and attracting the attention of a technologist to particular contamination, and secondly – help a chemist who does not guess, guess and study stains. and immediately on your instructions apply a direct chemical to the specific stain (for example, if it is blood – for blood, drink – for a drink, etc.).

Can dry cleaning shrink?

Shrinkage of the thing occurs only as a result of the use of water in the process of removing stains. Modern dry cleaning does not shrink or practically does not give. Why is it practical, and because the industry standard provides for shrinkage of things, if it is expressed as a percentage – the shrinkage after dry cleaning will be less than 1%, ie it is almost non-existent. If shrinkage occurred, the technological process was disrupted.

What is dry cleaning?

Dry cleaning is not when, according to locals, the thing is rubbed with brushes or steamed. No, things are only treated with chemicals without any brushes. Dry cleaning got its name because the cleaning machines do not use a drop of water, and the thing itself is cleaned with chemicals. Therefore, dry cleaning without water.

Why didn't the stain come off?

Indeed, some stains may not be removed after dry cleaning, for which you can again refer to the industry standard, which clearly states the category of stains that may remain.

It is clear that it is difficult to agree with this and you can naturally ask the question – why then go to the dry cleaners? The answer is very simple: dry cleaning should not be considered as an ambulance that arrived and everyone was healthy (by the way, not always so). Dry cleaning should be used constantly, as brushing your teeth twice a day and then the stains are not terrible. If you come to the dentist with a swollen cheek and an unpleasant odor from rotten teeth, do not blame him that he can not cure your teeth, he is simply powerless, and the patient should only complain about himself. Also with us: use dry cleaning constantly, not on the fact of critical condition.

Do I need to take things for cleaning if the stain has not been removed?

If the stain is not removed or something is done wrong, of course, the thing can be left for re-cleaning. The second or third time may be stained, and maybe not. Is it worth cleaning? We work with the spots until they come out. Do not forget that old stains are fixed on the fabric

Why didn't they remove the stain in the dry cleaner's, which I removed with ordinary chemicals, those that are advertised on television?

Only professional chemicals are used in dry cleaning, not household chemicals available to consumers.

What is really the secret to removing stains with household chemicals ???

Everything is very simple. Professional chemicals are not only designed to remove stains but also to protect things as best as possible. Simply put, an antidote is added to the poison immediately – the stains are removed and the tissue is not damaged.

In household chemicals, on the other hand, there is poison and no antidote. The task is only to remove the stain. The result of using household chemicals is not always visible immediately, from the first time it may seem that everything is fine and no stains. But wash your clothes and you will see, for example, that on your yellow blouse in place of the old appeared a whitish stain. Where??? Just your super reagent ate everything and even the paint of your jacket. That is why we always take without a guarantee even those things that were processed by the consumer to us independently.

I lost a thing in the dry cleaner!

After dry cleaning, I found a small dot (like burnt) on my jacket – it’s your employees who burned my thing with chemicals!

The answer to a hole that appeared but did not form after dry cleaning is simple and is also described in the above industry standard. The hole in the things discovered after dry cleaning is the elementary fact of eating clothes with a moth, lost from a cigarette, a place of excessive friction …

The question arises: why was this hole not there before the thing was handed over to the dry cleaner? The answer is also simple: things in the process of operation due to contamination may not show some minor damage and they may not be noticeable, and after chemical treatment, they appear.

I gave you a chic new coat for cleaning, in which I left for 10 or 15 years and I still want to leave as much.

The keywords in this phrase are a new coat, which is 10-15 years old.

In modern conditions, well-known clothing manufacturers guarantee its quality for one or two seasons, and most often these things are not for everyday use.

Of course, we can say that the thing that was sewn is of better quality and stronger than they do now. No matter what, but the thing is 8, 15 years, or 20 years old, and the client has never cleaned this thing, so how can you remove all the stains in one cleaning, most of which are more than 5 years ??? This is simply impossible.

For example, we can draw an analogy: coming to the hospital to a cosmetic surgeon at age 50 to ask to make a 20-year-old beauty. No matter how well you do, you will not look 20 years old. The same goes for a thing – it must be maintained at all times in good condition and naturally operated.

You used to clean well, but now you start using domestic chemicals and clean badly.

In times of crisis, some entrepreneurs may express this opinion, probably by drawing an analogy with their production. We would be happy to find domestic analogs of chemicals, but we do not have such substitute chemicals. We work only with the chemistry of German and Italian production.

Who can solve my problem?

If your problem is the quality of dry cleaning and you are not satisfied with it, you will be helped to send the thing for cleaning.

If this is not enough, you can apply in writing to the director of the company and within the statutory period, you will be answered. If this is not enough, at our stands at each reception point there are addresses and telephone numbers of representatives of regulatory authorities who are able to accept and consider your complaint on the merits.

What is the degree of wear of the thing and why did the receptionist write in the receipt in front of my new thing in the appropriate column as much as 50% of its wear?

According to the instructions, when accepting things for dry cleaning, the percentage of its wear must be indicated. Accordingly, if the thing was washed or dry-cleaned two or more times, it is already worn out by 50% or more. The item just bought and taken out of the store has a wear rate of 10%, so the percentage of wear is strictly regulated by the instructions, which you can read at each of our reception points.

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